CFAT - Credit Finance Analysis Training
Current Edition
by Dr. Gregory Hanson
List Price: $275.00
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Credit and Financial Analysis Training (CFAT) is designed for those that make, review and approve Farm Loans. Finance should be about clarity of concepts and execution. Because it is straight-forward, the practical usefulness of course concepts on farms and ranches is immediate. CFAT is user-friendly. CFAT lender graduates will have a solid grounding in the three financial statements, the concepts of liquidity, profitability, solvency and efficiency, and core understanding of in-depth financial analysis and problem solving. The Savvy-7 Financial Ratios, Five-Step Fixing Broken Finances Approach, The Make-it-Or-Break-It-Loan (MOBILize) Plan, and Production-NEERING Farm Income, draw heavily on actual farm practices.
CFAT Chapters Focus on Finance Basics:
Sections 1-3: Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Budget, and production-based Income Statement. Provide key understanding of components and structure of the core finance statements.
Sections 4-6: Farm Financial Analysis presents advanced ratio analysis including The Savvy Seven Finance Ratios guide lender analysis of profitability, liquidity, and solvency of borrowers.
Sections 7-8: Fixing Broken Finances & the MOBILize Plan address finance problems which can threaten farm/ranch survival and repayment of loans.